TDSL Contract and History with the City of San Antonio

Page Updated 10-25-23

Since 1993, Texas Disposal Systems Landfill, Inc. (TDSL) has partnered with the City of San Antonio (City) to provide solid waste disposal services.  Several times over the ensuing years the Agreement between TDSL and the City has been amended and expanded.  Since 1998, TDSL has operated the City owned Starcrest Transfer Station and the City has been required to annually deliver, or pay for the delivery of a minimum of 100,000 tons of solid waste to TDSL.  Unfortunately, several significant operational changes made by the City, coupled with increases in operating costs above and beyond the allowed consumer price index,  have increased TDSL’s costs while depriving TDSL of expected revenue.  These unforeseeable actions of the City, combined with other rapidly increasing operational costs have resulted in major financial losses to TDSL, which must be addressed by amendments to the contract.  For more than ten years TDSL has sought to work with the City staff to find a mutually beneficial solution to the problem, however, those efforts were not successful, and TDSL was left with no choice but to litigate the contractual dispute.  TDSL remains hopeful that the dispute can be resolved in a manner that salvages the long-term positive working relationship between TDSL and  the City, and that our contractual relationship can continue in a manner that is economically beneficial for TDSL, the City and the competitive market serving all area generators of solid waste and recyclables.



2023 Request for Proposal for Solid Waste Delivered Directly to Landfills
(not through the Starcrest Transfer Station)


Book Excerpt

Los Angeles Waste Hauling Franchise System


Waste Management of Texas, Inc.

In 1997, following Waste Management’s publication of false statements about TDS and its landfill, TDS sued Waste Management for defamation and other claims. In 2010, a jury found in favor of TDS and awarded $5.45 million in actual damages and $20 million in exemplary damages, finding that Waste Management had knowingly published false and defamatory statements about TDS and its Creedmoor, Texas landfill in 1997 after TDS received approval from the San Antonio City Council, but before the contract was signed for a 30-year landfill disposal and transfer station contract, and during the decision making process for a City of Austin 30 year disposal and recycling services contract. Learn more here:

Waste Management of Texas, Inc.

Articles – Waste Management of Texas Lawsuit